Friday, August 26, 2011

My Life as a Flight Attendant

So I wish I had a particular story to tell, but all I can say is that the life of a flight attendant is literally up in the air. There's always something strange, weird, or crazy happening - ridiculous work hours, delays, crazy passengers, hurricanes...

I've had some interesting experiences to say the least as well as some really neat opportunities. Here are some of the things I've encountered so far.

1. My very first trip they sent me to Myrtle Beach. Of course it was a beautiful day at the beach...and I didn't have a swim suit. Arg! That didn't stop me from walking down the beach and laying out to get a cute little farmer tan :)

2. Since I'm pretty low on the flight attendant totem pole, most of my trips are out of Newark Airport in New Jersey. I usually have an hour and a half to a two hour shuttle ride through Queens and Manhattan that leaves at 4:10am. Delightful, no? I do have to say though that you get a FANTASTIC view of the Manhattan skyline. I like it best at nighttime, but it's not too bad to see at sunrise either :)

3. On my layover in Milwaukee, I decided to walk around the city with one of the other flight attendants. The buildings were old and really neat architecturally. But the most amusing thing was that I saw some pirates floating down the river!!! Yes, pirates! They saw me laughing on the bridge and looked over and said "Arrrg matee!" So what did I do? I said "arrrg" right back.

4. One layover that I really enjoyed was my trip to Vancouver! I got to go to the YSA ward there and meet up with Pres. Iwaasa (my mission president). Not only that, but I felt like I was a missionary all over again. A senior couple who served with me in Fukuoka was serving in the YSA ward in Vancouver and the missionaries had a Japanese investigator that needed translating, so I had the honors of helping out. It brought back memories of the joy and fulfillment that come from being a missionary! What a great day!

5. Being in New York, I spent my day off walking around time square. Something about being in midtown Manhattan just makes me all giddy and excited inside! Kind of like the feeling you get when you're walking down main street in Disneyland...speaking of which, I saw Elmo and Cookie Monster along with Mickey and Minnie while I walking down Fashion Ave. Hmmm...

6. Look at the McDonald's in Charlotte NC! You don't see something like that every day.

So not too bad for starters eh? I still have absolutely no control over where I fly to, but hopefully I'll figure out how to tweak the system soon and get myself on a flight to Narita!!! Until then, I'll just enjoy the spontaneous opportunities that are thrown my way :)

1 comment:

  1. Sachi! First of all, I heard you're coming back today. WAHOO! ...but your room is not ready quite yet. I thought you were arriving the 29th. Secondly, nice pun--up in the air--haha! You nerd. Also, arrrg?? haha once again, you nerd. But I love you. Can't wait to see you!
